Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I am making another short film soon!


It is called “VREEMD”.
And yes, it is an unprecedented idea that I myself had never before seen in any film....and to top it all, it will be shot in my mother tongue, AFRIKAANS (with English subtitles)

Now, I need your help with this.....
Would you mind sending out this link to friends you think would like to help us fund the making of this short film for this year’s annual South African Horrorfest? Tell them they can contribute as little as $5 and we have about 30 days left to reach our goal. Every bit helps! So even if you just contribute $5, I will give you a personal THANK YOU on Facebook!

It would be great if we can make this monster happen! And feel free to join us at the VREEMD page too….in fact, I insist ;-)

The Indiegogo site has all the details, including the Youtube video of the pitch! Also, it has a synopsis of the film and believe me, more than two people were thoroughly surprized by the odd sort of horror I am writing for this one!

Things are about to get HAIRY!!!!